The Ghent Altarpiece (selected details), Hubert and Jan Van Eyck (1418-1432): Paradise depicted as City and Garden
Thursday Associates is the office of teaching architect Philip Bess, professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame. Founded in 1986 and working from Chicago and South Bend, Thursday Associates is a research and design consulting firm committed to architecture and urbanism as civic arts in sacred order, and to re-thinking contemporary American place-making through writings and projects both academic and professional. Thursday Associates has active working relationships with a variety of architects, urban designers, consulting engineers, academics and organizations throughout the United States. We invite inquiries from prospective clients regarding traditional architectural and urban design projects.
From THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY, by G.K. Chesterton (1908):
“For a long time the red-haired revolutionary had reigned [in Saffron Park] without a rival; it was upon the night of the [fantastic] sunset that his solitude suddenly ended. The new poet, who introduced himself by the name of Gabriel Syme, was a very mild-looking mortal, with a fair, pointed beard and faint, yellow hair. But an impression grew that he was less meek than he looked. He signalized his entrance by differing with the established poet, Gregory, upon the whole nature of poetry. He said that he (Syme) was a poet of law, a poet of order; nay, he said he was a poet of respectability. So all the Saffron Parkers looked at him as if he had that moment fallen out of that impossible sky….” [continued]
“For a long time the red-haired revolutionary had reigned [in Saffron Park] without a rival; it was upon the night of the [fantastic] sunset that his solitude suddenly ended. The new poet, who introduced himself by the name of Gabriel Syme, was a very mild-looking mortal, with a fair, pointed beard and faint, yellow hair. But an impression grew that he was less meek than he looked. He signalized his entrance by differing with the established poet, Gregory, upon the whole nature of poetry. He said that he (Syme) was a poet of law, a poet of order; nay, he said he was a poet of respectability. So all the Saffron Parkers looked at him as if he had that moment fallen out of that impossible sky….” [continued]